
This one tray pie is my rustic pithivier, cause no one knows’ how to pronounce that anyway

1 bunch shallots/spring onions/ long green onions- these are so finicky with naming

80g unsalted butter

1 bunch silverbeet, leaves removed from stems

1/4 cup (60ml) olive oil

2 large zucchini

200g crumblable (totes a word means able to be crumbled) cheese like a smoked cheddar, feta or mersey valley

1 egg, separated

2 tbs sour cream

2 tsp plain flour, plus extra for dusting

3 sheets all butter puff pastry

1tbs each nigella and caraway

Preheat oven to 200C. Grease and line a large heavy based tray with baking paper.

Chop shallots and place on prepared tray with butter. Bake for 3-5 minutes or until you’ve thinly sliced the stems of the silverbeet. Scatter over the top of the shallots and drizzle with half the oil. Bake for 5 minutes or until you’ve thinly sliced the zucchini. Add to pan and drizzle with remaining oil return to the oven for 5 minutes or until you’ve shredded the silverbeet leaves. Scatter over zucchini layer and return to the oven for 5 minutes or until wilted and all veg is softened. Use baking paper to transfer veg mixture to a large bowl. add cheese, sour cream, egg white and flour and mix to combine. Season to taste and chill until required.

Meanwhile, lightly flour a work surface and place two sheets of puff pastry on top of one another. roll out with a rolling pin, using the 3rd piece of pastry as a guide, roll out 4cm beyond the third piece off pastry when positioned in the middle (see instagram for a picture of this it may make more sense). Then cut rolled out puff to form a large circle.

Transfer pastry to baking tray. Place filling in the middle of the pastry, leaving a 4cm border. Place third piece of pastry over the top of the filling and press to seal the pastry. Use a hand to cup around the filling and form a dome. Use a small sharp knife to create lines over the top of the dome. Brush all over with the egg yolk and scatter with nigella and caraway seeds. Fold edges in and brush once more with egg yolk.

Bake for 25-30 minutes or until pastry is cooked through and the pie moves easily on the pan, which means the bottom is cooked also. Stand for 10 minutes then cut and serve.

Samantha Coutts/ Parish