“A PAINLESS plate of penne pasta. -say that fast”
Serves 4- with a side of garlic bread.
1/3 cup (80ml) extra virgin olive oil (enough for a 5mm shimmer on the bottom of the pan)
1 long red chilli, thinly sliced
3 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
3 anchovy fillets in oil, finely chopped (make it pasty)
Handfull basil leaves, plus extra to serve
300g penne pasta (approx 3 cups) — Try and get a pasta that takes 10 mins to cook. alt once sauce is boiling minus 1 minute from packet cooking time and cook for that amount of time.
2x 400g canned cherry tomatoes
Finely grated fresh parmesan to serve
Heat oil in a large heavy based saucepan over high heat. Add chilli, garlic and anchovy and cook for 3-5 minutes or until it reaches the golden zone and smells aromatic. Add basil leaves and stir to coat then stir through pasta and cook for 1-2 minutes or until shiny and warmed through. Add cherry tomatoes then refill both cans with water and add to pan (approx 800ml). Season with salt and pepper, stir to combine then bring to the boil. Cook, stirring FREQUENTLY- super important to prevent stickage freakage—for 9 minutes (1 minute less than what the packet says) . Stir through freshly grated parmesan and serve scatter with basil leaves.