
Dough it

Basic Dough:

3 cups self-raising flour

80g unsalted butter 

300ml milk or buttermilk, plus extra for brushing (if using milk add 1tbs sourcream for sourness)

1 tbs caster sugar 

Sweet sitch:

1tsp vanilla bean paste

Whipped cream and jam to serve

SAVOURY Sitch: for x1 dough recipe (halve these ingredients if you plan on splitting the OG dough and getting the best of both worlds)

200g grated cheddar

1/2 cup caramelised onion 

1 cup jar roasted capsicum, chopped 

2tbs multigrain mustard 

2-3 tbs chopped herbs, we used parsley and rosemary

Softened butter to serve

Preheat oven to 200C. Grease and line 2 baking trays with baking paper.

To make the basic dough place flour in a large bowl and toss the butter through. Use fingertips to crumble the butter into the flour until it resembles coarse breadcrumbs. Freeze for 10 minutes. Make a well in the centre and add remaining ingredients.

At this point, you can add the sweet or savoury ingredients depending on which sitch you want to go with. If you want the best of both worlds carry on until it forms a ball then divide the mixture in two and gently fold through sweet and savoury ingredients separately.

Use a knife to cut through dough until it forms a rough dough. Then gently knead with hands to form a ball. Transfer to a lightly floured work surface and press out to 3cm thickness. Use a floured jar or glass, or simply cut into scone size pieces. Transfer to prepared trays and brush with extra milk or buttermilk. Bake for 12-15 minutes.

serve sweet sitch with whipped cream and jam and savoury with softened butter.

Samantha Coutts/ Parish